



No Glory Without Effort / Pas de Gloire Sans Effort

No Glory Without Effort / Pas de Gloire Sans Effort


The true story, in English and French, of a New Zealand pilot who gave his life to save the lives of others.

Flight Lieutenant Noel Stokes fought to a tumultuous end to save his crew and the French villagers below his bucking, burning Lancaster bomber. How did such an experienced pilot end up in such a situation? Was it just bad luck, or were there other forces beyond his command? What else was waiting in that night?

Will we ever know who the German night-fighter was?

What was the women’s role?

Why were flowers so important? And bicycles?

What was the role of the Resistance fighters?

Why is this so important 75 years on?

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What People Have Said

I can just keep reading it over & over again

“I eagerly awaited the receipt of your book and was not disappointed. When I read your first book it was such a thrill as it answered so many questions I had. The new one has put a lot of "meat on the bone" and will help the reader to get a much wider understanding of those times. I can just keep reading it over & over again."

— Keith Ellis, UK.

the detailed analysis of this second edition adds much meaning.

“Votre livre est très intéressant et les approfondissements de cette seconde édition apportent beaucoup. Nous sommes toujours admiratifs et très reconnaissants à ces jeunes aviateurs venus , de l’autre bout du monde et au risque de leur vie, nous aider à sauvegarder notre liberté. Nous espérons que tous les lecteurs de votre ouvrage partageront cette admiration et cette reconnaissance.

 Your book is very interesting and the detailed analysis of this second edition adds much meaning. We are always full of admiration and gratitude for these young aviators who came from the other side of the world and who risked their lives to help us safeguard our freedom. We hope that all readers of your work share this admiration and gratitude.”

— Michèle and Yves Bernard, Club d’histoire locale de Brou.

a very realistic picture of what happened on that terrible night

Glyn, I am really impressed. You have done a great job, thoroughly researched and very well written.

You have given us a very realistic picture of what happened on that terrible night, and, as someone who has read a lot of these accounts, I was hooked.

The book is a wonderful tribute to the Stokes family, and to the people of France who looked after the survivors and have kept the story alive all these years.

Another thing that stood out was your description of the logistics of working in a Lancaster cockpit, especially with a 2nd Pilot on board. Every time I go into the aircraft at Auckland’s MOTAT it strikes me how agile they must have been to move around with all the gear they had on. The plane looks massive from the outside, but visitors are invariably astonished by how cramped it is inside.

— Chris Newey, NZ Bomber Command Association, Auckland.



Glyn Strange


112 pages
64 maps, diagrams & rare photographs
ISBN: 978-0-9951205-0-1


Available from Clerestory Press.
Postage $5 within New Zealand.